What Are the Four Types of Snapping Hip?

What Are the Four Types of Snapping Hip?

Snapping hip syndrome is, as the name suggests, a condition in which a “snap” is heard or felt from the hip area on certain movements. Although this may initially be quite worrying, this is usually caused by a muscle flicking over a bone in the hip area. A...
How is Breathing associated with Pain?

How is Breathing associated with Pain?

Most of the time, we have very little awareness of our breathing. But have you ever noticed how your breathing changes when you’re stressed? Shorter, more shallow breaths can ask too much of the muscles around the shoulders, and lead to tension in the diaphragm....
Breathing Exercises

Breathing Exercises

Most of the exercises we prescribe are tailored for a specific patient and their condition. But breathing exercises are for almost everyone, at any time. It’s easy to dismiss breathing as “fine”, after all, you’re still here! But there’s...


Fibromyalgia is a condition characterised by fatigue, difficulty concentrating, chronic widespread pain, and IBS type symptoms. Its incidence is estimated to be as high as 2-5% of the population. Symptoms of Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is characterised by an array of...
What Are Trigger Points?

What Are Trigger Points?

Trigger points are a controversial phenomenon as the research behind them is somewhat weak. What we know for certain is that they align with some people’s symptoms, so recognising them is still important. They seem to be more prevalent among people with conditions...
Long Covid and The Perrin Technique™

Long Covid and The Perrin Technique™

Infection with Covid-19 can leave sufferers dealing with fatigue, muscle and joint pain, brain fog, depression and sleep problems for weeks or even months. Presently, our understanding of post-Covid-19 syndrome, or ‘Long Covid’, is in its early stages. But there are...