Back Pain

About Back Pain

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What is back pain?

If you have back pain, whether new or long-term, you know how it can interfere with your daily life. Simple tasks can become difficult, you may have stopped your normal activities, or perhaps you’re struggling to sleep and feeling low.

Osteopaths are experts at diagnosing and treating back pain. Manual therapies such as osteopathy are recommended by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) as an effective way to treat back pain.

Here at Good Health Centre in Leeds, our team of qualified practitioners has a wealth of knowledge and skills, having delivered more than 500,000 treatments to more than 60,000 patients over the years. Each patient with back pain has a unique story. We take time to understand your story and develop a personalised pathway back to health.

Types of back pain

You may experience pain in your upper back (from neck to waist), or your lower back (from waist to buttocks).

And the pain can spread to other places. Pain from the lower back can feel worse in the buttocks or legs (such as sciatica).

Pain can be acute, which means it’s new in the last few weeks. Or it can be chronic, meaning it has been around for more than three months – sometimes, for many years.

There’s a lot of variation in the nature of the pain and its severity, too. Sometimes it’s dull and aching. Or it might be nagging or throbbing. Other times, it can be stabbing and shooting. Or even a combination of these.

You may find the constant dull ache is wearing you down, or you might have sudden, severe pain that makes you afraid to move.

Osteopaths are used to treating all these types of pain.

How do Osteopaths treat back pain?

Osteopaths have myriad ways to ease your pain. They can select from a ‘toolbox’ of techniques during a treatment. This means your session is bespoke, formulated according to your needs and preferences.

Your osteopath will treat the area that hurts, but they may also treat other areas that are affecting how your body functions.

In addition, the osteopath can give you advice on self-management, what to avoid, exercises to help and adjustments you can make to get you better as quickly as possible.

Back Pain Treatment In Leeds:

Click here to find out more about what to expect when you visit one of our osteopaths.

You won’t have to wait. Our large-capacity clinic means we can usually offer an appointment on the day you get in touch with us. And, if there are no concerns, your osteopathic treatment begins in your first session.

Ready to get back to health? Book online today.

Did you know…

Did you know…

An osteopathic management plan involves more than just hands-on treatment. An osteopath can support you with advice, self-help tips and exercise plans. This comprehensive approach means the benefits of treatment last long after you’ve left the clinic.

Did you know…
Osteopaths know how to tell if your back pain is mechanical or medical. They also evaluate you in context to make sure they treat the root cause, not just the symptoms.

Did you know…

Sudden, sharp pain can be terrifying. But pain severity is not linked to the level of damage in your back. Back pain that stops you in your tracks can be caused by even quite minor injuries. That doesn’t mean the pain isn’t significant, but that the cause isn’t one to be worried about.

What our patients say