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Serving our community for nearly 30 years

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How Hypnotherapy Helps.

When an individual is very relaxed, they can become more open to suggestion. Trained hypnotherapists are experts at helping people reach the state of deep relaxation known as hypnosis.

When a patient is in hypnosis, their practitioner gives suggestions aimed at changing the patient’s behaviour or relieving some of their symptoms, for example to address a fear or phobia, or tackle an addiction.

Hypnosis has been widely used in the treatment of a number of conditions from pain to phobias. Hypnotherapy is also used for the relief of:

  • Pain including headaches
  • Stress, depression and anxiety
  • The treatment of phobias including those of spiders, flying and dentists
  • Addictive problems, including binge eating, smoking and alcohol
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Asthma
  • The pain and sickness caused by some cancer treatments.

Self-hypnosis techniques can be taught and are useful for helping people relax in stressful situations, especially when going for medical or dental treatment.

They have also been used to help alleviate the pain of childbirth.

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The Hypnotherapy Treatment

Hypnosis is a state of mind accompanied by deep physical relaxation. During hypnosis, your attention is focused within yourself and you become less aware of your surroundings. In this state you are more open to acceptable suggestions and more likely to follow them.

Everyone has the ability to be hypnotised. However, it is easier for some individuals. You have to be willing – it’s impossible to be hypnotised against your will. At all times a patient can choose not to respond to the therapist’s suggestions and come out of hypnosis.

What To Expect

During your first appointment your hypnotherapist will take your medical history and find out more about your reasons for seeking treatment by hypnotherapy. You will usually sit comfortably, fully clothed. Your therapist will put you into a hypnotic state and make therapeutic suggestions based on your individual circumstances or problems.

After having hypnosis people usually describe it as a relaxing and pleasant experience that increases their sense of wellbeing. Most people can remember what happened while they were under hypnosis, much like a daydream.

Each session lasts between 50 mins and one hour. The number of sessions needed depends entirely on each individual.

Cautions & Care

Hypnosis is not advisable for people with certain mental health conditions such as psychosis or personality disorders. Patients with epilepsy should also be treated with caution as the therapy may stimulate fits.

People with mental health problems and/or serious medical conditions should talk to their doctor before hypnotherapy and search for a therapist with experience in these areas.

Expert Hypnotherapy:

You can book an appointment quickly and easily online by clicking below, if you have any questions prior to booking please get in touch with us on 0113 237 1173 or Email Us and one of the team will be in touch asap!

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If you have back pain, whether new or long-term, you know how it can interfere with your daily life.

Knee Pain

If you have knee pain, you’re not alone. Frequent knee pain affects around one in four adults.

Neck Pain

From a wry neck to arthritis, muscle spasm to a ‘dowager’s hump’, necks are a common source of pain.

Shoulder Pain

Under normal circumstances, the shoulder has the greatest mobility of any of the body’s joints. But when something goes wrong, it can mean pain, limitation and frustration.


Sciatica refers to pain that runs from the low back into the buttock and down the back of the thigh. It may go below the knee and into the foot.

Heel Pain

There are many causes of heel pain. These include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinosis, heel spurs, and stress fractures. 

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