Corporate Health

We can help your business reduce the amount of time lost to sickness absence caused by injuries or back and muscle pain.

The Backbone of a Healthier Workplace

Musculoskeletal injuries such as back, muscle pain and repetitive strain injury (RSI) are the main causes of sickness absence in the UK. Back pain alone results in 120 million days’ absence each year. This costs British industry over £6 billion in lost production, with almost 75% of this due to time lost from work.

Further, 30% of employers’ accident litigation cases are associated with back pain.

We can help with musculoskeletal therapy treatments that can often ease pain without the employee having to take any time off work. Some of the services and treatments provided here at the Good Health Centre are covered by insurance companies.

Proven Benefits

85% of employees referred to us for treatment complete their courses within five sessions. Around three quarters of these are able to remain at work while undergoing treatment, taking no sick leave.

This contrasts with the traditional route of dealing with musculoskeletal injury through GP prescription and sick note, which often results in costly, long-term absence.

Our Corporate clients include:

Opera North
Sure Start
Yorkshire Television
West Yorkshire Playhouse
Phoenix Dance Company
Northern School of Contemporary Dance
RJC Dance

How We Can Help

Through our team of highly skilled practitioners we can:

  • Give your employees access to physical treatment within 48 hours of a reported injury.
  • Reduce time lost to sickness absence due to musculoskeletal injury.
  • Identify and treat injuries before they become chronic and disabling.
  • Give you dedicated support from our multi-disciplinary team including a medical adviser, osteopathy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, counselling and massage therapyGive you dedicated support from our multi-disciplinary team including a medical adviser, osteopathy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, counselling and massage therapyGive you dedicated support from our multi-disciplinary team including a medical adviser, osteopathy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, counselling and massage therapyGive you dedicated support from our multi-disciplinary team including a medical adviser, osteopathy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, counselling and massage therapyGive you dedicated support from our multi-disciplinary team including a medical adviser, osteopathy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, counselling and massage therapy.
  • Save you money by helping to cut the costs of sick pay, agency cover, temporary replacements or overtime.
  • Deter unjustified absenteeism.
  • Reduce the risk of personal injury claims, ill health retirement or redeployment and the possibility of HSE enforcement or action.
  • Analyse data to help you manage risks effectively and improve health and safety performance in your workplace.
  • Give you access to consultancy and training to help prevent future injury.
  • Provide ergonomic equipment for your staff, such as chairs, wrists supports and document holders at competitive prices.

What our patients say