Leeds Physiotherapy

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Serving our community for nearly 30 years

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What Is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy works with our body’s movement and function to make the most of our physical potential. It aims to restore balance to help the body work better, and encourages our in-built healing responses rather than just dealing with individual diseases or symptoms.

Physiotherapists can work with patients of all ages to improve the use of parts of the body affected by disease or injury, increasing movement and mobility. Physiotherapy can also be used to help maximise sporting performance.

Our skilled physiotherapists and osteopaths use a range of physical treatments and techniques to both prevent and treat injury and disease. Through these treatments they aim to restore your heath and wellbeing, without the need for drugs or surgery.

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How Can It Help Me?
At Good Health Centre we use physiotherapy to help treat and improve a wide range of physical conditions.Our physiotherapists have a special interest in treating:

  • Joint problems including arthritis and injury causing pain, swelling and stiffness in joints
  • Work related conditions such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
  • Neck and back problems including slipped/prolapsed discs, arthritis, sciatica, lumbago, and neck pain and stiffness
  • Sports and dance injuries to muscles, ligaments, cartilage and tendons
  • Soft tissue problems such as tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow, tendonitis and frozen shoulder.

Physiotherapy can also help:

  • Fractures – treatment can increase how quickly you heal and help you gain full function once your bones have healed
  • Abdominal problems – such as colitis and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Gynaecological conditions – including stress incontinence and rehabilitation after surgery
  • Pregnancy and childbirth – including treatment for back and pelvic pain
  • Chest conditions – such as asthma, chest infections, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, bronchitis and bronchiectasis
  • Neurological conditions – such as strokes, head injuries, nerve injuries, multiple sclerosis, shingles, cerebral palsy and chronic fatigue
  • Paediatric conditions – including postural and walking problems in childhood
  • Circulatory problems – such as Raynaud’s disease, intermittent claudication (a clinical diagnosis given for muscle pain) and cardiac rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation after surgery.
The Physiotherapy Treatment
Our experienced physiotherapists use a range of techniques to treat their patients to achieve the best results.

  • Manipulation and mobilisation of joints
    This technique helps to relieve pain and stiffness. Soft tissue release techniques can improve your posture, flexibility and function.
  • Massage
    A gentle technique, massage can be used to improve blood flow and help fluid to drain away, making it easier to move parts of the body and to relieve pain and help relaxation.
  • Exercise and movement
    Your physiotherapist may prescribe different types of exercises to strengthen the body and improve your range of movement. These could include some general, gentle exercise such as walking or swimming, or specific exercises to target certain areas of your body.
  • Electrotherapy
    This physiotherapy technique uses small electrical impulses to stimulate the nervous system. This causes a ‘tingly feeling’ as it makes certain muscles contract or squeeze, reducing pain and helping the muscles heal themselves. Ultrasound may also be used to reduce soft tissue swelling and pain and to promote healing.
What To Expect

On your first visit to the Good Health Centre, your physiotherapist will first take a detailed history of your condition, together with any important past medical problems and treatments. We advise you to wear loose clothing in which you feel comfortable moving.You may need to remove some items of clothing to allow a full examination of the injured area.

Your physiotherapist will physically assess you to diagnose your problem and discuss a treatment plan with you. They will then use the appropriate physical techniques to treat your condition and demonstrate and explain the exercises you should continue at home.

Our Practitioners

Chartered Physiotherapists undertake three or four years of full-time university study. During this time they complete over 1,000 hours of clinical practice in a number of different specialities. After this initial period of training a physiotherapist is most likely to work in a general hospital within the NHS to gain experience.

Under current law only people who are registered with the Health Professions Council are able to call themselves physiotherapists.

Cautions & Care

Physiotherapy is a safe, non-invasive therapy that is suitable for all ages. However, it is important to inform your physiotherapist if you experience any pain or problems following your physiotherapy treatment.

Useful Links

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists

NHS Direct

Expert Physiotherapy in Leeds:

You can book an appointment quickly and easily online by clicking below, if you have any questions prior to booking please get in touch with us on 0113 237 1173 or Email Us and one of the team will be in touch asap!

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Need a same day appointment? Call us on 0113 237 1173.

Back Pain

If you have back pain, whether new or long-term, you know how it can interfere with your daily life.

Knee Pain

If you have knee pain, you’re not alone. Frequent knee pain affects around one in four adults.

Neck Pain

From a wry neck to arthritis, muscle spasm to a ‘dowager’s hump’, necks are a common source of pain.

Shoulder Pain

Under normal circumstances, the shoulder has the greatest mobility of any of the body’s joints. But when something goes wrong, it can mean pain, limitation and frustration.


Sciatica refers to pain that runs from the low back into the buttock and down the back of the thigh. It may go below the knee and into the foot.

Heel Pain

There are many causes of heel pain. These include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinosis, heel spurs, and stress fractures. 

What our patients say

Physiotherapy FAQS & Further Reading

What is an Osteopath?

An osteopath is someone who assesses, diagnoses and treats people with conditions and injuries, primarily using their hands.

Legally, to use the title ‘osteopath’, they must hold a recognised qualification (usually a three- or four-year degree) and be registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC), which ensures the high standards of the profession.

Osteopaths are primary care practitioners. That means patients don’t need a referral from a GP or other doctor to see an osteopath. Please note, though, that some private health insurance companies will require a medical referral before they cover the costs – do check with your provider if you are planning to use health insurance.

They are part of the group recognised by the NHS as Allied Health Professionals (AHPs), along with physiotherapists, radiographers and paramedics, among others.

Osteopathy is based on three main concepts. Firstly, all parts of the body are interrelated. Secondly, the way a body functions adapts to its structure, and vice versa. And thirdly, the body has an inherent capacity for healing.

These principles mean that osteopaths evaluate and treat holistically. They consider all the physical, social and psychological factors that might be contributing to a problem.

What does a physiotherapist do?

Physiotherapists are experts in assessing, diagnosing and treating problems with many of the body’s functions. Physiotherapy treats musculoskeletal injuries such as back or joint pain or sports injuries, respiratory or cardiovascular illnesses, neurological disorders, men’s and women’s health complaints such as pelvic pain or stress incontinence, developmental problems in children, and post-surgery rehabilitation.

There are many benefits to physiotherapy. It’s drug-free, using manual treatment, exercise and modalities (such as therapeutic ultrasound or electrotherapy) to improve health. This means that’s it’s suitable for everyone. It is evidence-based, and physios always follow the latest guidance in best practice. It empowers patients by giving them the tools to take control of their own wellbeing.

Treatment with a physiotherapist is a collaboration in health: setting goals and working together to achieve them. Physiotherapists bring more than their technical expertise – they are a supportive partner on your journey to health.


Are physios doctors?

Physiotherapists must complete a degree course to become qualified. This is usually three years full time. Training involves anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, rehabilitation, sport and exercise, children and the elderly, and clinical practice, as well as manual therapy techniques. Once qualified, physios must register with the Health and Care Professions Council to be able to use the term ‘physiotherapist’. They also undertake regular continuing professional development each year.

Physiotherapy degrees have some overlap with medical degrees, and in many settings physiotherapists work closely with doctors. However, they are not permitted to use the title ‘Doctor’ unless they also hold a medical degree.

What to wear to a physio appointment?

As part of a thorough evaluation, your physiotherapist is likely to ask you to perform a number of movements. They will also examine your muscles and joints with their hands. It’s best, then, to wear something loose and comfortable that allows a full range of movement, such as sports shorts and top.

Your physio will never ask you to remove more clothing that absolutely necessary for a full and safe examination. They may move some of your clothing to assess certain areas, but they will always check you’re okay with that first. And, of course, you’re welcome to bring along a chaperone if that makes you feel more comfortable – just let us know when you book.

How long is a physio appointment?

An initial physio appointment takes 45 minutes. This gives time to explore your problem and understand your medical background, and to perform a diagnostic examination.

The first appointment also involves setting goals according to what you want to achieve, formulating a management plan, and carrying out the first treatment. You may also be provided with advice and exercise ‘homework’ to ensure you continue to see improvements after the session.

Treatments after the initial one last around 30 minutes. The physiotherapist will find out how you’ve been progressing, making changes to the management plan where necessary, before carrying out the next treatment session.

Can a physio help arthritis?

Absolutely. Although arthritis can’t be cured, physiotherapists have plenty of tools in their box to help the pain, stiffness and symptoms.

Arthritis comes in many forms, and physiotherapists understand how it can affect the body in different ways. Each treatment is unique to the patient, tailored to address the ways that arthritis impacts them, and seeking to promote health and maximise function.

Additionally, physios will suggest tips and tweaks you can make to reduce the effects of arthritis on daily living.

Can physios help sciatica?

Physios are experts in treating sciatica. They understand that sciatica can have many underlying causes, and they know how to differentiate between them. This is the key to a successful and long-term solution to the pain of sciatica.

For example, sciatica may be triggered by a prolapsed disc in the spine. Or muscle spasm in the buttock could be the cause. Whatever the root issue, your physio will seek it out and then use a targeted treatment to give relief.

Physiotherapists use a multitude of techniques in the treatment of sciatica. They may apply massage, mobilisation, or joint manipulation. Physios can also provide advice, exercises and self-help tips to enable you to manage your symptoms at home. They will give you guidance on what to avoid and when to return to activities as your condition improves.

Can physios help back pain?

Physiotherapy is perfectly placed to help manage back pain, whether it’s new or long-term. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends manual therapy and exercise as the first line of treatment for back pain. This is exactly what physiotherapy can offer.

Physiotherapists understand the challenges of living with back pain, and they will work with you to reduce or resolve your symptoms. Alongside the physical therapy, they can offer much-needed reassurance, helping you regain your enjoyment of life.

Can physios help neck pain?

Yes, physios can treat neck pain, whether it’s caused by muscle strain, postural issues, arthritis, or other causes.

Neck pain can often be accompanied by headaches, and treating the neck can be a route to resolving headaches too.

Physiotherapy takes a holistic approach to pain management. Understanding how your neck functions in the context of the whole body can direct treatment, bringing effective and long-term relief.

How to self-refer for physio?

There’s no need to see your GP before making an appointment with one of our physios. You can book directly with us, be seen within a few days (sometimes on the same day!) and get on with improving your health.

If you’re not sure whether physio is the right therapy for you, feel free to call us for advice.

How much does physio cost?

Physiotherapy costs £66 for the first consultation and treatment and £63 for a follow up. A course of shockwave is around £200 for 3 treatments.

Many private healthcare insurers will cover the cost of a course of treatment. Please get in touch with your provider to ascertain whether this is the case before booking.

Should I see a private physiotherapist?

Private physio is ideal for people who want to be able to get on with their lives. While we recognise that not everyone is able to cover the cost of private treatments, we also believe that it’s an excellent investment in your health and offers good value for money.

Unlike physiotherapy you may receive on the NHS, there’s no waiting time and no limit on the number of sessions. Our goal is to treat you promptly and effectively, and to get you back to health in the quickest possible time.

If you have private health insurance, you may wish to ascertain whether your provider will cover the cost of a course of treatment before you book.