Nutritional Therapy

How A Nutritionist Helps…

It may be something of a cliché but we truly are what we eat. Research shows that more than 80% of the British population are not getting their recommended daily amount of essential vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional therapy uses the science of food and diet to promote the body’s ability to heal itself, maintain good health, achieve optimal fitness and to prevent disease.

Trained therapists will identify nutritional deficiencies as well as food allergies and intolerances to food.

A nutritional therapy treatment is about much more than just healthy eating. It will involve making changes to your diet and may also include taking vitamin and mineral nutritional supplements.

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How Can It Help Me?

Nutritional therapists often work with patients who have long term health problems that have been difficult to treat with conventional medicine. However, nutritional therapy can be beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their health and wellbeing. Conditions that can be addressed through nutritional therapy include:

  • Allergies and food intolerances
  • Digestive problems and bowel disorders, including irritable bowel disease and bloating
  • Lack of energy, tiredness and chronic fatigue
  • Stress, depression and anxiety
  • Hormonal imbalances, menstrual disorders and infertility
  • Skin disorders
  • Poor resistance to infection
  • Migraine, chronic headache and sinus congestion
  • Weight management.
The Nutritional Therapy Consultation

Nutritional therapy is not just about a healthy diet and must be tailored to the individual. It aims to stimulate the body’s self-healing ability by providing the correct nutrition for the needs of individual patients and helping to cleanse their system of accumulated waste and toxins.

Each individual’s needs are unique, depending on their genetic make-up, lifestyle demands, diet and environment. Nutritional therapists identify the best blend of diet and food supplements to help their patients achieve maximum health and wellbeing.

Cautions & Care

Nutritional therapy is a powerful, safe, natural and effective approach to improving health and wellbeing. However, some vitamins can be toxic when taken in large doses. It’s important to follow your therapist’s advice. If you take different supplement mixes in addition to what you have been recommended by your nutritional therapist, you could be accidentally overdosing on certain micronutrients.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and people with a serious illness should always seek medical advice.

You can book an appointment quickly and easily online by clicking below, if you have any questions prior to booking please get in touch with us on 0113 237 1173 or Email Us and one of the team will be in touch asap!

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