Knee Pain

About Knee Pain

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What is knee pain?

If you have knee pain, you’re not alone. Frequent knee pain affects around one in four adults.

The knee must combine weightbearing with mobility, while managing forces from the body above and the ground below. No wonder it’s second only to the back for developing pain!

Effective treatment depends on a complete and accurate understanding of all the factors at play. Here at Good Health Centre in Leeds, our team of osteopaths has treated over 60,000 people. They are experienced and capable at diagnosing and managing knee pain of every kind.

Types of knee pain

Knee pain can develop in many ways.

Sudden trauma, such as a twisting fall or impact, can tear ligaments and cartilages, resulting in rapid swelling, pain and immobility. This kind of damage can have a lasting effect if not properly rehabilitated, increasing the likelihood of osteoarthritis at a later stage.

The knee can also suffer from overuse injuries. Athletes and runners may experience tendinosis, or pain around the front of the knee due to irritation between the knee cap and the thigh bone.

Even young people can be affected. Pain at the front of the knee is common in active teenagers, where repetitive strain can cause inflammation, and rapid muscle development can pull on the still-growing bones.

And in later life, the knee is susceptible to osteoarthritis – in fact, around 80% of cases of osteoarthritis affect the knee. The knee’s cartilage starts to break down and the joint lining becomes irritated, causing soft swelling. Later, the body increases bony growth around the knee to stabilise it, resulting in bony enlargement of the joint.

Arthritic knees tend to ache and become stiff, worsening with overuse or after a period of rest.

And there are many other potential causes of knee pain. Some medical conditions, such as goutor infections, can result in painful knees. Or sometimes, a problem in the hip joint refers pain to the knee.

Happily, our osteopaths understand all these issues. They know how to evaluate and differentiate between the causes of knee pain.

How do Osteopaths treat knee pain?

Your osteopath will conduct a thorough examination of your knee to determine the cause of the pain.

They will also assess your biomechanics to understand how the rest of your body is affecting your knee. For example, Or perhaps a problem in your back is causing you to bear more weight on one side than the other.

Once all these factors have been established, your osteopath will formulate a treatment plan specific to your situation. That might involve improving muscle tone, length and strength, working on mobility in the joints of your legs, pelvis and back, or helping fluid drainage through your lymphatic system. There are many techniques an osteopath can apply to alleviate your pain.

Your osteopath will also provide you with exercises and strategies you can use at home to make sure the benefits of treatment last beyond the clinic.

Knee Pain Treatment In Leeds:

Click here to find out more about what to expect when you visit one of our osteopaths.

You won’t have to wait. Our large-capacity clinic means we can usually offer an appointment on the day you get in touch with us. And, if there are no concerns, your osteopathic treatment begins in your first session.

Ready to get back to health? Book online today.

Did you know…

An osteopathic management plan involves more than just hands-on treatment. An osteopath can support you with advice, self-help tips and exercise plans. This comprehensive approach means the benefits of treatment last long after you’ve left the clinic.

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