The Good Health Blog
Keep up to date with the latest news, offers and useful articles from the team at The Good Health Centre!
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March Newsletter
Good Health Matters March 2025 Desk Health Are you sitting at your desk as you read this? Can you...
February Newsletter
Good Health Matters February 2025 Focus on Headaches In this month’s newsletter, we...
January Newsletter
Good Health Matters January 2025 Embracing the New Year! The new year comes with the promise of a...
December Newsletter
Good Health Matters December 2024 Winter Wellbeing We’re firmly into the season of festive...
Can We Help with Your Lower Back Pain?
Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments that brings patients to clinic. Some people are...
How Can Osteopathy Help with Circulation?
Osteopaths don't just treat problems with bones- all of the body's systems are connected, and some...
4 Sports Injuries in Your Osteopath’s Remit
Osteopaths are qualified to help with managing minor sports injuries, such as: muscle strains...
Should I See an Osteopath for my Aches and Pains?
Osteopaths are here to help with all sorts of conditions, but we can also help with those little...
What Can We Do for Arthritic Pain?
Arthritic pain is an ailment that osteopaths are qualified to help you to manage. Any joint can be...
Why is My Back Pain Worse While Breastfeeding?
The first week of August is Breastfeeding Awareness Week, which may seem irrelevant to osteopathy,...
Can I Have Tennis Elbow Without Playing Tennis?
Tennis Elbow, and its cousin Golfer's Elbow, do have misleading names. Despite the suggestion,...
How Do Labrum Tears Happen?
Labrum is Latin for "lip", and in this context, it refers to the lip of cartilage extending from...
What Are the Four Types of Snapping Hip?
Snapping hip syndrome is, as the name suggests, a condition in which a "snap" is heard or felt...
How is Breathing associated with Pain?
Most of the time, we have very little awareness of our breathing. But have you ever noticed how...
Breathing Exercises
Most of the exercises we prescribe are tailored for a specific patient and their condition. But...
Adult and Infant Reflux
Reflux is a common problem for adults and infants alike. Studies show that over 25% of babies...
Long Covid
Early on in the pandemic, Long Covid emerged. It is now widely recognised as a potential...
What is the TMJ?
The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the technical name for the jaw joint. TMD is a term sometimes...
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
The name "plantar fasciitis" literally means "inflamed tissue on the sole of the foot". However,...
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
The thoracic outlet (confusingly, also known as the thoracic inlet), is a small space between the...
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The carpal tunnel is a space made by the wrist bones (carpals) and soft tissues. It creates a...
Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome is when a deep muscle in the buttock (piriformis) causes irritation to the...
IBS: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is a common digestive complaint affecting between 1/10 and 1/5 of the population. As yet,...
Fibromyalgia is a condition characterised by fatigue, difficulty concentrating, chronic widespread...
What Are Trigger Points?
Trigger points are a controversial phenomenon as the research behind them is somewhat weak. What...
Long Covid and The Perrin Technique™
Infection with Covid-19 can leave sufferers dealing with fatigue, muscle and joint pain, brain...
Allergy Awareness Week Catherine Barker
The longer days, warmer weather and blossoming trees might be welcomed by some of us, but for the...
Colic: What Do We Know About It?
Rather than a diagnosis, colic is a symptom, or a collection of symptoms. It is characterised by...
Tongue-tie in Babies – Symptoms and Treatment
Tongue-tie affects around 10% of babies. It often affects breastfeeding. Here, we look at what it...
Good Health Centre reopens its doors
We are delighted to inform you that the Good Health Centre is re-opening its doors on Monday 1st...
Aisha’s Recent Women’s Health Training
March is Endometriosis Awareness month - a debilitating condition that affects over 1.5 million...
The Benefits of Pregnancy Massage
As women, we are often taught to tuck the pelvis for stability and decrease the lumbar curve. This...
Back to School With Better Posture!
For many children and young people sitting in a classroom or at a desk at home brings about back...
Ten Tips for a Healthy Heart
There’s nothing like Valentine’s Day to focus the mind on matters of the heart. And while we at...
Tinnitus Week and Osteopathy
This week in the UK (3-9 February) is Tinnitus Week. Here at the Good Health Centre in Leeds, we...
A Happy, Healthy Vagus Nerve
WHAT IS THE VAGUS NERVE? The word ‘Vagus’ means ‘to wander’. So it’s a fitting name for the Vagus...
Myofascial Release and the Treatment of Pain
My recent post about the magical world of fascia, today I explain myofascial release, how it works...
Get a head start on your resolutions!
Whether you’ve committed to weekly winter walks or Monday meditation days, stick to your 2020...
How to keep healthy in flu season!
The Austrian berry that could keep you flu-free!...
You Time this Yuletide
This holiday season is the gift of giving. Why not give back to yourself? ‘Tis the season to be......
How Much Vitamin D Should You Be Getting?
Our guide to the “sunshine vitamin” in winter! Vitamin D is a hormone that your kidneys produce to...
The Benefits of Diaphragmatic Breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing - not just for meditating!...
The Benefits of Drinking Stout
7th November was National Stout Day! While drinking too much can have detrimental effects on your...
Skeleton stages from childhood to adulthood
The main purposes of our skeleton stages from childhood to adulthood. Bone ossification Bone...
World Spine Day (16th October)
With an estimated one billion people worldwide suffering from back pain, it affects all age...
National Arthritis Week
This week is National Arthritis Week UK, so let’s look a little more closely at what arthritis is...
The 3 most common bike related injuries – Neck Pain
The final chapter – part three In the final part of this blog series we are going to talk neck...
The 3 most common bike related injuries – Back Pain
Part Two In part one we spoke about knee pain; today is about lower back pain....
The 3 most common bike related injuries – Knee Pain
Part one Are you a cyclist?...
Acute Vs Chronic Pain: What are the Differences?
Pain Defined Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensation that can range from mild, localised...
Migraines: What Causes Them?
According to, migraines are one of the most common conditions in the world,...
Healthy Recipe: Chicken, Sweet Potato, Quinoa and Rice Salad
If you're looking for a zingy and super-healthy summer salad, we recommend our recipe below. Tried...
We Welcome Aisha to the Senior Team!
We're thrilled to welcome Aisha Mir to our Senior Osteopathy team. With over 15 years' experience...
Bodybuilding Common injuries, fixes and how to break plateaus
Is Bodybuilding the final frontier to utilize sport science? Bodybuilders know the grind,...
Injury Prevention (the warm up and cool down)
Injury prevention (the warm up and cool down) Whatever the level of intensity of your exercise; it...
The Breaking the Push Plateau Shoulder Exercises
The Breaking the Push Plateau. The bench-press: for some the most important piece of equipment in...
Oxytocin – The Love Hormone
This image is what the ‘love’ molecule, oxytocin looks like. We all want it, we all need it and we...
Get to know – Ed Burdett
Ed is our newest member of the Osteopathy Team. He is among a select number of Osteopaths that...
Muscle of the Quarter – The Diaphragm
We all have a diaphragm, in fact all mammals have one. We can’t live without one and it’s an...
The Health Benefits of Hugging
It doesn't matter who you're hugging, a family member, a spouse or a friend, when you're receiving...
Alternative Healthy Full English Breakfast Recipe
Let's face it, everybody loves a full english breakfast, but it's not the healthiest of meals....
Breathing Exercises to help you Relax and De-Stress
It’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed during this festive season, but it’s important to...
What is COPD and How Can Osteopathy Help?
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is a term used to describe any progressive lung...
Osteopathy for children and teenagers
Osteopathy is a safe therapy for patients of all ages, including children. Our experienced...
What is Cholesterol and Lowering Yours
What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is made mainly by the liver and is a fatty substance that’s vital...
Natural Joint Arthritis Pain Relief
Arthritis put simply, is when your joints are affected by inflammation and is usually seen in...
Spotlight on Reflexology
We thought we would take an opportunity to highlight the benefits of reflexology as a fascinating...
Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure
What is blood pressure? We’ve all heard of blood pressure, and we all know that high blood...
Anyone For Tennis?
Now the tennis season is well underway, with the Women's US Open starting, many people will be...
A Healthy Burger Recipe
A Healthy Burger By Josh McCollum A healthy burger with avocado, egg and chilli lime. This easy...
Quick tips to help you relax and de-stress
We’ve all come home from a long day at work and felt overwhelmed with stress, unable to relax and...
Surprising Benefits of Beer
Everyone loves a good pint now and then, but did you know that beer actually has some surprising...
6 Surprising Health Benefits of Tequila
It’s national tequila day, but did you know that tequila has some surprising health benefits. Here...
5 Things About Our Osteopath Simon Keeble
Used to be a contemporary dancer from 16-18 years of age performing in the arts programme in...
Mens Health Tips
Mens Health Week starts on the 11th June, we thought we'd compile a short list of things you can...
Asthma Awareness Day
It’s Asthma Awareness Day – Breathe Easily with a Capnograph appointment What is asthma ? A...
Staff Picks – Favourite Books
With a variety of literature festivals coming up, we’ve asked our staff about their favourite...
Stress Awareness Month
‘Stress is an important dragon to slay – or at least tame – in your life.’ (Marilu Henner) People...
Running Injuries
A marathon … a race which London Marathon co-founder Chris Brasher called ‘The World’s Most Human...
Muscle and Condition of the Quarter
This quarter we are looking at the Piriformis muscle, and how it can affect the sciatic nerve....
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week
This quarter brings both MS Awareness week, running from 23rd – 29th April, and World MS Day on...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
This April, the Institute of Osteopathy is running an event on managing IBS. At Good Health...
Testimonial of the Month
I first came to see Emily following a car accident with a fractured rib and whiplash. Emily has...
Chronic Pain
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), defines pain as ‘an unpleasant sensory...
New Year’s Resolutions
A New Year’s Resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. Do you have a New...
Are you this year’s Eddie the Eagle?
The mountains are calling… And we can see the appeal; a day on the slopes can contribute to a...
Muscle of the Quarter chosen by Ami – Temporalis
What is it? Also known as the Temporal Muscle, Temporalis is one of the muscles of mastication...
Frozen Shoulder
It’s not just snowmen … Their clinic is only open in December. Humans however, we treat all year...
The Good Health Academy’s CPD Event On Chronic Pain
This month the Good Health Academy ran a CPD event on the subject of Chronic Pain. The...
Healthy barbecue recipes
Citrus-spiked sea bass 2-3 large oranges Zest 1 lemon (use juice) 1tbsp olive oil 4 300g...
We would like to introduce Symprove - a product supporting balance in the digestive system. Good...
‘‘I know 2am, I know it backwards, inside out. I know the tread of tired tip-toes That against the...
Muscle and Condition of the Quarter
Erector Spinae What is it? Often referred to as the ‘long muscles’ of the back, Erector...
Aeroplane advice
Many people visit osteopaths due to the discomfort caused by long-haul flights. As many of you may...
Some basic facts about breathing The average adult breaths between 17,000-23,000 times per day...
Coping with Depression
"Everybody’s experience with depression will be different and each episode can vary in severity."...
Pedal on over to the Good Health Centre
"The 2017 Tour de Yorkshire" Here at the Good Health Centre, all of our osteopaths are pro...
Common Injuries With Gardening & How Osteopathy May Help. Gardening injuries are much more...
Tinnitus and the Temporomandibular Joint
Tinnitus affects roughly 30% of people, with an estimated 10% of people suffering from persistent...
Snowboarding injuries and their exercise rehabilitation
Snowboarding has been an up-and-coming sport over the last two decades. The risk of injury within...
Muscle of the Month
Supraspinatus What is it and what does it do? Supraspinatus is a member of the rotator cuff...
Spiced Chicken, Spinach and Sweet Potato Stew
Ingredients 8 Chicken thighs, skinless and boneless 1 Red chilli, chopped 1 thumb-sized piece of...
Slips & Falls
“All the leaves are brown…. and the sky is grey. I’ve been for a walk on a winter’s day…”...
Rugby Injures: The Hamstring strain and the Medial Collateral Ligament sprain
Rugby injuries are vast in occurrence, diverse in diagnosis and common in both training and match...
Back To School
As the children go back to school this September, we thought it would be a good time to talk about...
10 facts about your amazing spine!
Chances are you’ve never stopped to think about how amazing your spine is. It’s easy to take it...
How osteopathy can help manage arthritic joints
This week is Arthritis Care Week in the UK. It aims to raise awareness of what it’s like to live...
Five ways to boost your brain health
You try to eat well, keep your weight down and take some exercise. But have you ever paid close...
How to get a good night’s sleep
Getting plenty of sleep is essential for our general health and wellbeing. It plays an important...
Why we’re supporting On Your Feet Britain
One of the top four preventable causes of death in the UK today isn’t alcohol or drug abuse, or...
How Josh helped his marathon running patient
With the 36th London Marathon taking place on Sunday 24 April, this week’s blog post takes a look...
Ways to cope with hay fever symptoms
Spring is most definitely in the air. Sadly for some of us that means the unwelcome return of a...
Osteopathy for pain management
If you’re experiencing pain on a regular basis, painkillers are not your only option. Osteopathy...
Best foot forward – our advice for taking up walking
We’ve been inspired by many of the celebrities who have completed amazing Sport Relief feats:...
Solgar 7 capsules for sensitive joints
This month in the practice we’re promoting the Solgar 7 joint complex supplement. Don’t let stiff...
Acupuncture for pain relief
Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of ailments, from digestive conditions to problems...
The importance and impact of gut health
Recently in the practice we’ve been offering patients advice on digestion and promoting probiotic...
What exactly is Reiki?
Heard of reiki but not too sure what it is? Read on to discover how this traditional Japanese...
Show your heart some love this Valentine’s Day
Planning to treat the one you love to some flowers or a romantic surprise on Valentine’s Day? Why...
Preparing your body for skiing
So you’ve bought, or arranged to hire, the latest skiing equipment and clothing ready for your ski...
Osteopathy as an alternative to steroid injections
We recently received some wonderful feedback from patients of our practice founder and osteopath...
Vitamin D: a vital boost for bone health
It’s January, there’s not a lot of sunshine about and the cold and wet weather is driving us to...
Make a resolution to correct your posture in 2016!
Cutting down on fatty foods, quitting smoking, taking more exercise – all common New Year’s...
Avoiding slips on icy ground
‘Tis the season of icy pavements. A fresh frost may look pretty as we gaze out from within our...
Therapies that can bring arthritic pain relief
Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain, swelling, inflammation and often stiffness in...
Don’t neglect yourself in the frantic festive season!
We’re well into the busy pre-Christmas period – how are you feeling? With so much to get done and...
Get on that treadmill!
Don’t let the cold, wet weather and dark evenings put paid to your running routine or training...
Looking after your bone health
We know to encourage children to eat plenty of calcium rich foods to help build strong bones and...
Strengthen your core to reduce back pain
Suffering with lower back pain? There are ways to tackle it without resorting to drugs or surgery...
Do your health a favour – get on your bike!
Our practice founder Ami Sevi is a keen cyclist who regularly gets out on his bike around our part...
How shorter days affect our health
Most of the UK has been enjoying some mild autumn days lately, filled with colour and sunshine....
Can chocolate really be good for our health?
Since it’s Chocolate Week in the UK this week, we’re bound to indulge in a bar (or two) of the...
Tackling back pain in children
Do you know a child or young person who regularly complains of an aching back? The focus of this...
Complementary therapies for migraine
Migraine affects 1 in every 7 people in the UK. In this post we take a look at the therapies we...
Osteopathy for new mums
In our practice we help many women who are suffering aches and pains as a result of pregnancy and...
Fitting exercise into your holiday routine
So you’re heading off on holiday. A chance to relax, unwind and take a break from the old routine....
Exercise while catching up on the housework!
Feeling bad because you didn’t get much exercise today? OK, so tell us what you did do. Chances...
Two left feet? The health benefits of dance
We often tell our patients that a little bit of physical activity is better than none. For some of...
Fancy a cuppa? The health benefits of tea and coffee
There’s not a day goes by that we don’t see an article or tweet in our newsfeed extolling the...
Tennis elbow – what actually is it?
With Wimbledon in full flow, millions of people across the world are feeling inspired to pick up a...
Osteopathy – it’s about more than just bad backs, you know
While many people think of osteopaths as back specialists, osteopathy treatments can be used to...
A more natural treatment for hay fever
Hay fever affects one in five people in the UK. Of these hay fever sufferers 95% are allergic to...
Exam stress and complementary alternative medicine
It’s exam season, that time of year when plenty of young people are feeling the pressure of...
Osteopathy in pregnancy
You’re having a baby? Congratulations! Let us help you enjoy the next nine months in comfort. Our...
Exercise: a little bit is definitely enough
Government guidelines tell us we must take at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week. To...
In a sedentary job? Our tips for building more activity into your day
We know too much sitting is bad for us. No newsflash there. But did you know that inactivity is...
Could ‘text neck’ be the cause of your pain?
Using a mobile phone or tablet is an everyday activity for most people – with over 35 million...
Go easy on your back in the garden this spring
As the mercury begins to rise and we cast off our winter woollies, many of us will be getting busy...
Spotlight on nutritional therapy
There is an ever growing appreciation of the role of diet in determining our level of health. If...
Spice up your health!
Take a look in your kitchen spice cupboard or drawer. We’ll bet you never knew the medicinal...
Why Ami says Vest is Best!
If you’ve ever been a patient of our leading osteopath Amittai Sevi, you’ll no doubt have heard...
One simple step to prevent back & neck injuries in the car
It’s National Car Safety Week so we thought we’d offer our advice on preventing back and neck...
Start your running right
So your new year’s resolution was to take up running. You’ve started your programme and things are...
How Acupuncture Can Help You Stop Smoking
Introduction For many people making New Year’s resolutions involves giving up smoking… again....
Avoiding injury on the slopes
We’re hitting that time of year when winter sports enthusiasts hit the slopes. Since the majority...
Choosing a new mattress that will be kind to your back
With the average person spending around seven hours each night in bed, it’s worth making sure...
Keeping colds at bay
December: such a busy time of year. And unfortunately it clashes with cold & flu season. With...
Don’t let your party shoes lead to foot or back problems
Just one in 10 women wear high heeled shoes regularly. But with party season almost upon us, we...
Evidence to support osteopathic treatment of musculoskeletal pain
Research relevant to osteopathic treatment of musculoskeletal pain comes from a number of manual...
How to sit at a computer
[Accordion] STEP 1: Your Chair [Content] Push your hips as far back as they can go in the chair....
Tick tock, the exercise stops
Have you ever considered the effect of winter daylight saving time on your activity or that of...
We keep the dancers dancing, Strictly speaking
As the nation spends its Saturday nights watching sequin-encrusted celebrities take to the BBC...
Back to school – helping your child avoid back and neck problems
A raft of text books, a sports kit, perhaps a musical instrument too, then lunch, drinks and...